Person-Centred Care
What do we mean by Person Centred Care, well the term originated in the 1940s and proposed taking a holistic view of service users in care settings. This means getting to know the person and then tailoring their care as much as possible to meet their specific needs. Person centred care is now a key […]
Paediatric First Aid
First aid covers a multitude of skill sets and responses to many medical situations. Its primary aim, is to provide immediate medical care and treatment that will either resolve the situation (in less serious ‘everyday’ cases) or provide an essential short-term emergency stop-gap until professional medical assistance is in place. The aim of this course […]
NVQ Unit – Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace
This course can be used as part of the Level 2 NVQ Mandatory Unit Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace. It provides the knowledge components of this unit and the final module will allow you to type in your answers which, once marked as completed by your assessor can then be downloaded and […]
NVQ Unit – Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms
This course can be used as part of the Level 2 NVQ Mandatory Unit Erecting and Dismantling Working Platforms. It provides the knowledge components of this unit and the final module will allow you to type in your answers which, once marked as completed by your assessor can then be downloaded and used as part […]
Noise Awareness
Around 17,000 people in the UK suffer deafness, ringing in the ears or other ear conditions caused by excessive noise at work. However, this damage is preventable if the right steps are taken but once your hearing has gone it will not come back. This course starts by going into detail about how dangerous noise […]
Moving and Handling People
This Moving and Handling People eLearning course is aimed at people working in health and social care who have people in their care that have mobility issues. The course outlines the dangers and legislation that applies to moving and handling people as well as showing a range of techniques and equipment that can be used. […]
Mental Health First Aid
Around 25 per cent of the UK population will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives. Most are mild, tend to be short-term and are usually treated successfully with therapy and medication. But it is still a significant problem. Mental Health First Aid teaches participants how to notice and support individuals […]
Manual Handling
Manual handling, or to be accurate, incorrect manual handling, is one of the most common causes of injury at work. To try and combat manual handling problems, the Manual Handling Operations Regulations were introduced. The Regulations lay out duties for both employees and employers. They give a general requirement that employees must be trained to […]
Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card)
Each year in the UK, people are killed, injured and suffer work-related illnesses while carrying out their jobs. So Health & Safety is a significant concern. The government, employers and workers all have an essential role to play in reducing deaths and accidents and preventing ill-health at work. This course is aimed at people starting […]
Introduction to Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is a systematic method of looking at work activities, and considering the things that could cause significant harm to people, property or the environment. The most important purpose of risk assessments is to help prevent accidents and ensure the safety of employees and anyone affected by workplace activities. At the end of this […]