Case Study: Fire Safety Requirements for Retail Outlet

How Sentient assisted a retail outlet fulfilling obligations from the Fire Service.

the background

The Fire Service visited a retail outlet and issued an enforcement notice. It included ten recommended actions. The obligations made by the Fire Service were beyond the knowledge of management. Not knowing where to turn, the retail outlet reached out to Sentient for advice.

the challenge

The retail outlet could have faced closure if it did not fulfil the requirements made by the Fire Service. The recommendations were costly, as well as complex. They could have impacted business operations as well as the business’s overall bottom line. Expert advice was needed to smoothen the process and ensure legal requirements were met.

the solution

Sentient took charge of the case and set up a meeting between the Fire Service and the retail outlet’s stakeholders. They mutually agreed a reasonably practicable pathway for all parties.

Using our knowledge of the law surrounding fire safety for buildings and premises, Sentient assisted in updating the business’s fire risk assessment. We also arranged staff training, and provided advice to drive improvement.

the result

The retail outlet took on our advice and guidance and made swathing changes and improvements. The Fire Brigade visited six months later after various dialog and signed off the improvements which had been embedded within operations.

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