Employment Law Changes on the Horizon

The Government have made some recent announcements with regard to changes to Employment Law in the future. We provide a brief summary below: TIPS AND SERVICE CHARGES The Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 requires employers to ensure all tips and service charges are allocated fairly between its workers (not just employees). ‘Fairly’ has not been defined, so […]

Dealing With Mental Health Within The Workplace

Sadly, mental health problems are on the increase in society and this inevitably impacts on the workplace. Mental health is now the leading cause of sickness absence. So what is the cause of Mental Health? There are multiple factors that can contribute to someone being diagnosed with a mental health problem, such as poverty, genetics, […]

Health Assessments for Night Workers

Information Update: 10/2023 • Issue Date: 09/05/2023 By way of general reminder, employers are required by law to offer free health assessments to night workers before they start working at night and on a regular basis thereafter.  The obligation is for the employer to offer a free health assessment: the worker is not obliged to […]